Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Evil of Central Banking

The controlled evolution of mankind has been a consistent idea throughout the educated realms of our western society. Topics such as social engineering, democide, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars of religion etc., have all been attributed to controlling the evolution of mankind's direction. Some believe that diversity is the key to a better evolution for humanity, and some believe that solidarity of culture, race, language, etc. is the key to getting there faster. Both schools of thought agree to one concept; we are in fact evolving. 
I believe that humans are now transcending biology in favor of the technological realm of existence. The techno-logic revolution is going to mend rationality and religion. Faith in the unknown will be an extinct policy of living. The communication revolution is bringing the world closer and closer together, and in turn is making the availability of truth and the consolidation of  logic more solidified from coast to coast.
With that being said I offer you a video on just one aspect of the corruption that has found its opportunity in ignorance. The Central Banking cartels have funded both sides of wars in order to make dividends of scrupulous magnitudes. The control of money is the control of food, which in turn is control of the people. The smartest person hides from prosecution; hence the reason the Federal Reserve is secret. Please watch this video to educate yourself on the history of Central Banking, because it is the knowledge, and understanding that will fix this world, not faith, not religion, not nationalism...but it is knowledge and democracy that will free the enslaved human population.  

Government and it's evolution

History, the sustenance of freedom.
As Americans we must garner against any intrusion on liberty. No mortal can wear an excuse pervading on Liberty. The perversion of the constitution by bureaucratic elites is for covet means and it has in turn left the power over the economy in the hands of the few. The persuasive dialects of American aristocratic despots have, over time, chipped away at the moral value of our word of Liberty to leave it as a mere novelty attached to the excuses of politicians for actions they must defend from public scrutiny. Nancy Pelosi made millions of dollars while in congress because the SEC has decided it is legal for congressmen to trade stocks on inside information only found in government. Thank 60 minutes for this exposure. We must accredit the actions and lies cast down through the mainstream media which veils freedom behind their controlled elections.  We are told we are free to vote when the media selects two candidates who are almost exactly alike. Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same bird. Politics in America are a scam, we do not have a choice in who is running our country, just like we don’t have a choice over whether we go to war or not. Money makes the world go round, and it is our constitution that is the one pure sentiment left of our identity. Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex, and Kennedy tried to warn us of a monolithic conspiracy in his speech.

The perfect slave is one who is tricked into thinking he is free”-Unknown

Separatist elitist groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Bilderberg and other extraneous groups of elitists have conspired for over one hundred years to discredit the constitution in hopes of destroying the one worldly promise of a free land separate from the feudal serfdom of humanity. A New world order is no longer a myth, or mere conspiracy theory, but is brought right out in the open by globalists such as Henry Kissinger, G. Bush Senior, Hillary Rodham Clinton and others. Look at the funding for the Department of Homeland security; it has been huge since the birth of the Patriot act. The patriot act is the most unconstitutional device ever to come from our government, then followed up by NDAA and soon to be SOPA. All on accounts of TERRORISM!!! TERRORISM is the new communism that the media uses to inject fear into our society. It is the utilized fear that becomes our collective motive for action and war starting. FEAR=RATINGS=MONEY. The TSA does not stop terrorism; its goal is to train our public to submit to government. By reaching down your pants it is invading your constitutional right of protection from search or seizure. Imagine this; you and your child of 5 years old walk through TSA security. You go first and have your genitalia grabbed, while your child is next in line. You tell the searcher “don’t touch my child’s private parts!”, and he replies “sorry sir it’s protocol”. Your child become frightened and looks at you fearfully as a stranger’s hand is inside their pants and there is nothing you can do about it. Immediately your child has submitted privacy to a government official on an extremely private level and your child now sees the government as master over you. This isn’t designed to find contraband; it is designed to force you and your family to submit to government. It is a grotesque abuse of the constitution. HEY GUESS WHAT!? THE TSA ISNT ONLY IN AIRPORTS ANYMORE! THEY GOT FUNDING TO BE IN THE STREETS AND IN TRAINSTATIONS AND TRAINS AS WELL!! HELLO 2012!
It is very simple to understand why government would allow $34 billion to be spent by local police around the country for military grade weaponry and equipment. Because terrorists are everywhere, because the terrorists are not defined! There is no difference between a terrorist and a violent criminal, but now a violent criminal can be arrested by the military on U.S. soil even if they are an American! IT IS LAWYER WORD PLAY THAT MAKES IT LAW SO ANY PERSON BEING VIOLENT WILL LOSE THEIR CITIZENSHIP AND BE CONSIDERED A TERRORIST OR ENEMY COMBATANT! THANK GOD POLIC HAVE MILITARY GRADE WEAPONRY!!! THANK YOU NDAA! THANK YOU LEIBERMAN AND LEVIN!!AND OBAMA!

                                                -Thomas Jefferson.

Career Politicians believe it is their destiny to decide what is best for citizens, this is purely un-American. The status quo of this country’s elite have sought to make amends for themselves which has lead to the road of despotism. We live in a capitalistic country where it’s Darwinian results are supposed to be protected through government (prevention of monopolies). The bailouts by the U.S. Government and the secretive Federal Reserve have left this country with a deteriorating credit score and a mountain of debt. The mega banks of the world (goldmann sachs, JP morgan, etc etc,) are all members of the Federal Reserve Central Banking system of the United states. It is severely important for EVERY AMERICAN TO KNOW HOW THE FEDERAL RESRVE WORKS AND IS RUN. All throughout human history there has been a ruling class, how naïve would it be to think that it would disappear? The huge media companies are owned by the Ultra-rich to inject fear and confusion into our lives. The more we fear Iran the more likely we are to not question the soon coming bombing of that country. In Iraq one million civilians have been killed. The reason we went there was because Saddam Hussein HAD weapons of mass destruction, nukes to be specific. Collin Powell talked of “yellow cake” from Africa that was used to create the nuclear material. His source for this information was proven to be false. There were no nukes in Iraq, and we invaded a nation and killed innocent civilians for what? Because we were pissed off about the terror attacks of 911.
 There is no education in television except on a few select channels such as National Geographic, Discovery, and The History Channel, but even that education shows us nothing about the political, religious, or banking history of the world. Important people are left out of history classes in public schools, and important events are not investigated in detail by state education. Is it no wonder that the department of education was started by the Rockefellers and was developed by German psychologists such as William Wunt, who wanted to teach people to be obedient workers rather than enlightened individuals? Is it no surprise that our children are uneducated because of “no child left behind?”( which felt good but was unrealistic? Is it any surprise that our intelligence is being crushed by television, and it’s psychotic numbing? A few select families of great influence have developed our education system so that it would benefit them.
Americans have witnessed much prosperity over its history, and the end of it is almost near. We as Americans can decide between two possible outcomes. We can be overtaken by a police state and be safe from ourselves, I mean terrorists, I mean ourselves, i mean...what is a terrorist? while we collapse from the inside because of our economy. Or we can elect competent honest people to office through tough and rigorous processes that will cut spending, and make times tough for a while while we retract our budget, and influence around the globe. It could be described as a slow contraction. It would be hard to do.
 The nature of humanity is like animal. The ruler makes the rule because he or she is in a position of power. Whether it is over the control of food, land, water, money, etc it is these powers that wish to, overtime, control everything. This is what our constitution was guarding against. There has been enlightened leaders of our nation who have spoken about the future of the united states. Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. So what can a person do about America’s situation? For starters, turn off the TV. Then inform yourself at the library and other scholarly subjects that aren’t thrown at you by any facet of government. Some governmental literature or education is good, but most is inadequate. Study history from old books; find films that portray big politicians for the powerful tyrants they really are. NOT ALL ARE BAD. Study the FED(federal reserve bank that is owned by private bankers from around the world who are in control of US monetary policy). Study the history of the Rothschild’s family.
                                Refer to Kennedy’s speech on a monolithic conspiracy

There are owners of this country and they are not you and me. There are operators who spend large volumes of money on controlling elections through subversive means. Their influence is tucked away and hidden, it’s called fascism. Watch these videos developed and cited by the previous HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Trends of Centralizing Power:

                             The earliest institutions of man, in essence, have been there to control human nature. Are there any disagreements to this? The fact that religion, banking, and eventually civilized law have all shaped humanity and decided our evolution, is proof to our accelerated evolution.....Ask yourself; "Is man an evolutionary accelerating animal?" The goal of all creatures in Nature is to primarily survive, and if it can adapt and reproduce offspring more advanced than themselves then it is deemed a success. Over the billions of years of evolution we have seen in our species the most profound adaptation in the history of the entire fossil record, that is, our brain. In a little over a million years, which is a blip on the scale of time in relation to Earth's history, we have expanded our consciousness and use of the physical world through controlled evolution. Does every human have rights? or was it rhetoric from the controllers of evolution that said those appealing things in hope of buying time? It is for you to decide human nature and the possibility of being swindled. I have made my mind up. Eliminate the competition and you're free to express your will. The perfect slave is the one who is tricked into thinking he is free.
                            We are breaking ground in the computing world with the exponential curve of Moore's Law, we are witnessing the shrinking of earth and the hyper acceleration of information sharing, from pole to pole and continent to continent. It is human nature to share and evolve, and i believe that if there is a god he speaks to us from logic, reasoning, and science. Consciousness is God, and the human consciousness in its collectivism is becoming more and more consolidated with the advent of information sharing. Humans are becoming less likely to agree with what their being told by their normal sources, and are seeking a diverse pool of opinions and perspectives in order to ordain the best approach to accessing the truth.
                            In regards to religion; it should be noted that religion is a set of beliefs not founded on fact but faith. While i protect the individual's right to practice any faith they so please, it is their evolution and genealogy that might get kicked by the way side while this techno-logic and scientific revolution accelerates into the cosmos. Inventions such as the quantum computer which can be sustained in four states at once is being found by scientists to be the smallest computer, because it is made of molecules!! So religion tells us to put all  of our faith behind something that has no scientific or even historical truth, while they take our money to spread more faith based ignorance. Religion is practiced ignorance. If there were a devil, i could see no better trick for him to play on the whole of humanity than to invent an organized, highly efficient, child molesting, murdering, ignorance spreading entity all around the world.
                            Man's evolution of the brain; it's doubling in the last million years, is like I said earlier, the most profound growth of an organism's consciousness in the entire fossil record. There are multiple theories to point towards this spectacular transcendence, but most objective research shows the introduction of psychedelic chemicals into our diets. I'll leave you to the names of Terrence Mckenna and his Stoned Ape Theory, and to Timothy Leary with his views on consciousness as just a few to describe the cultural operating system contrived by the expansion of the human consciousness.
                          Humans are biological computing systems who are using evolution as a means to become more efficient information sharing and analyzing entities. There is a point humans are striving towards with the use of science and technology, and i believe it is to become GOD, or complete concioussness. It is not a question of  "if humans will transcend into the galaxy and become consciousness, but it questioned, when, and who."
-Asa Lambert